Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Speaking about the side effects of antibiotics...

Sinus infection, also known as sinusitis, an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses and nasal passages. As a result of tumor, regular draining of mucus is disturbed, which in turn leads to accumulation of excess mucus and congestion sinus. Identified >> << are headache, nasal blockage, fever, and facial pain. Based on the duration of symptoms of, sinusitis can be acute (less than a month) or chronic (more than 3 months). Prime causes of sinusitis are allergies, autoimmune reactions, and infections caused by bacteria, fungi and viruses. In severe cases, effective home remedies to relieve symptoms. However, long-term condition can cause complications that require therapeutic intervention. If signs of infection sinus decision within 5 - 7 days, most likely a viral sinusitis. While sinusitis episode lasting more than a week caused by bacteria. The correct diagnosis of infection is the first step in the process of treatment, which obviously should be made to the introduction of antibiotics for sinus infections. When to use antibiotics for sinusitis? Clearly, antibiotic drugs designed to kill bacteria, but they are not effective against viruses, fungi and allergens. When sinusitis case, the bacteria is one of the possible causes, and is likely to allergies, fungal and viral infections. For those of viral and fungal attack, there is no point in taking the antibiotic therapy. Unfortunately, some patients suffering from rhinosinusitis self-administration of antibiotics without knowing the real reason. In addition, it is common practice to assign antibiotics for sinusitis. And the result, persistent symptoms and increased risk of bacterial resistance to antibiotics treatment. Correct diagnosis of sinusitis therefore necessary to the antibacterial treatment of sinusitis. He went on cultivation of mucus from the sinuses affected and consider it for the presence of microorganisms. In addition, image research sinuses is done to detect any pathological changes in them. Once it is confirmed that the bacteria causing the problem, your doctor may recommend an antibacterial drug for sinus infections. Antibiotics or stop further growth of bacteria or kill them. In each case, take your medicines and strengthening the immune system to accelerate the recovery period. Some effective sinusitis Antibiotics In general, there are two major classes of antibiotics, namely, a narrow range and wide range of types. The first one is less expensive than the latter type of antibiotics. As the name implies, a narrow range of antibiotics are effective in destroying certain types of bacteria, while a wide range of antibiotics work against multiple strains of bacteria. In the treatment of sinus infections with antibiotic therapy, the doctor usually appoints

narrow spectrum antibiotics. This minimizes the risk of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which is a frequent side effect of a wide range of formulations. To find an appropriate antibiotic for a patient, it is important to determine the causal bacteria. This sample is collected nose and cultivated in the laboratory. On the basis of test results, bacterial treatment approaches for patients is recommended. According to medical data

amoxicillin (brand name Amoxil) is the most widely offered a narrow range. However, if a patient allergic to penicillin class of drugs, the doctor will be the alternative, as doxycycline or macrolide. Broad spectrum antibiotic is recommended only if symptoms of sinusitis are stored even after the full course of antibiotics a narrow range. The most commonly administered broad spectrum antibiotic sinus infection

cephalosporin (trade name Mefoxin). Another effective drug belonging to a class is

fluoroquinolones (quinolones type). Free access for confirmation of bacterial sinusitis is that the symptoms will gradually strattera no prescritpion improve within 2 - 3 days after the start of antibacterial treatment. Overview of Antibiotics sinusitis should be borne in mind that the effectiveness of a particular drug can vary from one person to another. To be on the safe side, always advised to take antibiotics under strict medical supervision. And regardless of whether antibiotics are prescribed, completion of drug treatment under the direction of a physician is essential to prevent a recurrence of sinus infections. Speaking about the side effects of antibiotics sinusitis, increased risk of primary drug resistance problem. This is a serious problem because the patient will not respond to strong antibiotics general later. Other reported adverse effects of antibiotics for sinusitis treatment are nausea, mild digestive problems and increase the chances of viral and fungal infections. Found that half of patients suffering from bacterial sinusitis recover without antibiotic propaganda. Thus, antibiotics for sinus infections effective for those who really need them. So, decide whether antibacterial products really necessary to treat sinusitis or not. If the answer is yes, then go to the treatment strategy under strict medical supervision. Otherwise, refrain from taking drugs as possible. After all, every allopathic treatment is associated with some implications for health. .

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